Youth Ministry

Winter Retreat Sign-Up

Click on the button below to sign up for the Winter Retreat 2025!

Youth Ministry

​The Youth Ministry at the First Baptist Church exists to REACH students wherever they are, CONNECT them to Christ and other Christians, help them GROW in their faith, SERVE others, and HONOR God with their lives.

When We Meet

Youth Group for 7th - 12th grade students meets Sunday evenings at the Holst's House (1025 Mountain View Lane) from 5pm-6:30pm. Call the FBC Office for more information. ​Youth Group is a time for students to play games, read the Bible, and be in small group discussions about Jesus. The night starts off by playing either an outdoor game or an indoor game together. Then we start our teaching time as a large group and then split off into smaller discussion groups.

Wild Adventure Camp

Wild Adventure Camp ("WAC") is our annual summer camp that the FBC Youth Ministry puts on for incoming 7th through 12th grade students. Camp is up in Klamath Falls at Mountain Lakes Bible Camp on July 20-24, 2024.

FBC Youth Ministry Parents

We have a parent newsletter that is designed to encourage and equip you, to give you insight and good resources, as well as give you our youth ministry calendar, as you parent your teens. Feel free to reach out to Alastair and ask him questions on certain topics, or on things you would like to see in the newsletter. Our goal is to help you with your teenager as best as we can!